Separation Technologies




Our principal Costacurta-S.p.A-VICO applies its extensive expertise in design and production of separation internals, with the aim of providing a high quality product within a collaborative relationship based on transparency, timeliness, flexibility and reliability.
More than 60 years of daily exposure to numerous and diverse gas-liquid and liquid-liquid separation issues have enabled Costacurta to develop a strong design and manufacturing expertise.
Costacurta applies market solutions and in-house tools to deliver high quality engineering services and separation solutions.

Engineering Services

CFD Simulations

Within the context of separation technologies, Costacurta, using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), can support its clients in controlling the behaviour of the internals previously chosen or identify the best separation solution in terms of internals and positioning inside the vessel.

Feasibility Studies

Costacurta’s Separation Technologies department can carry out feasibility studies during the design stage of new plants or during the revamping of existing equipment, when it is necessary to study solutions that guarantee the required  performances, adapting to any imposed restrictions.


During normal plant operations bottlenecks or malfunctions may occur that reduce the efficiency of the various processes, limiting theoverall productivity of the plant.

Using its experience and tools, as well as CFD simulations, Costacurta’s Separation Technologies department can analyse the specific separation issues and propose suitable solutions.

On field assistance

Costacurta’s experienced engineers, qualified to work on oil rigs, can offer its clients on field assistance.

During surveys, both onshore and offshore, our specialists can identify the actual operating conditions of the plant and the cause of any malfunctioning of separators, gathering the information needed to be able to propose solutions to specific problems.

Separation Solutions

By separation solution we intend the supply by Costacurta-S.p.A.-VICO of either a single internal component or a combination of internals that can satisfy given separation performances. In specific circumstances the solution could not be limited to the engineered internals, but could include also the supply of the pressure vessel.

Engineered Internals

Wheather it's a new or an exhisting unit, Costacurta will supply taylored solutions for each specific case.
A typical scope of supply includes:
- Process design except for in kind replacement on existing units
- Vessel layout (when not already determined by the client)
- Vessel sizing when required by the client
- Detailed fabrication drawings
- Mechanical calculation of the support fixed to the vessel except for in kind  and or replacement on existing units
- Design of special supports to avoid welding inside the existing vessel in case a new internal layout is needed
- Trial assembly of all the internals
- Installation procedures when applicable or on demand

Complete Separators

In addition to the engineers internals Costacurta can also supply the complete separators.
For instance, it can be advantageous for the client when the internals represent a significant share of the value of the complete separator or when the definition of the final process design requires several alignments and approvals, that make it preferable the direct interaction between the process engineers of the vendor of the internals.
and the process engineers of the EPC / End User.

Complete separators can be supplied when new units are needed or on exhisting units in case of revamping of the unit with a new separator and a new internal layout.

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